Dear All,

Nursery Parental Consultations are being held, on Tuesday and Wednesday, this week. Nursery parents have signed up for an appointment. Please remember to be on time.

We are currently working towards an Autism Friendly School Award. Teaching and Support staff recently sat an online test and now Junior children will begin to take a pupil test. This involves watching a video and then answering some questions about what they have seen. The test will also be taken by Breakfast Club/Mid Day Supervisors and members of our Governing Body. If you are interested in finding out more, you can visit .

On Wednesday this week, Year 6 pupils will be taking part in the Chartist March. They will meet other schools at the Gem Park at 1.00pm and then march down Stow Hill to Westgate Square. All of the other classes will line the section of fencing outside school to cheer them on.

On Thursday, the fifth Families Connect meeting will be from 9.00 – 11.00am. These meetings are going well and we really appreciate the commitment of parents who are attending each week.

Would you like to volunteer to help school? Could you help to make resources? Do you already help with trips? Do you help with our Christmas and Summer Fayres? Do you have a talent which you could use to help our children?

If you do, or if you would like to volunteer, come in on Thursday afternoon at 2.45pm when we will be launching Spice Time Credits, which can be earned through volunteering. Representatives from Spice Time Credits will explain how the system works and how you can spend Time Credits on a wide range of activities across the UK. The aim of this scheme is to reward those parents who help us on a regular basis.

Please come to the meeting to find out if you could join in and earn time credits.

School will be closed on Friday as staff will having an INSET Day.

Next week is Half Term and we start back on Monday 6th November.

During the Half Term break, Newport Live will be hosting a Fit and Fed Day on Wednesday at the Share Centre. Flyers came home recently with details, but just in case you did not see it – the session runs from 10am to 3pm on Wednesday 1st November, with a range of different activities. Breakfast and Lunch are also provided and the session is free. Places are limited so you must register at the Share Centre 01633 212782.

This term, I have had many applications for Authorised Holidays. Can I remind you that holidays can only be authorised if your child has an attendance average of 95% or over? Also during this term, last year’s attendance is taken into account.

Newport City Council sets our Attendance Target and this year it remains at 94%, as we failed to reach this target last year. We are judged, as a school, based on our average Attendance and I need your help in ensuring that your child attends as regularly as possible.

As we failed to reach our target, we will have no choice but to request a Fixed Penalty Notice if a child’s attendance fails to be satisfactory. There are leaflets explaining this in the office, if you would like one or you can discuss this with me.


Bonus Ball – there is another roll over this week.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs S Couch

Acting Headteacher