Dear Parent,

Well done to Class RH for such a lovely Class Assembly!

Thank you also to parents and grandparents who joined us for that or who also supported the Djembe Drumming performance that both Reception classes did.

(Mrs Dickenson hopes to be able to show the class imovie briefly at the end of a school day, once our whiteboard issues have been resolved.)

Our Foundation Phase Enterprise Sale was a great success and children are now deciding what to spend their profit on! Thank you for supporting this so well.

Thank you also for supporting UNICEF’s Day For Change! We raised a total of £112.29.

Congratulations to our half termly Early Bird prizewinners today, who were Nick Tegelbeckers and Aleena Shah! They both win a £5.00 WH Smith giftcard.  Congratulations also to everyone else who won a fridge magnet for full and punctual attendance this last half term!

Our current attendance is 94.3% which is slightly above our target of 94% so that is good news. ? Our challenge now is to maintain or even exceed that total before the end of the school year.

Milittlepad Coding workshops continue in Classes 5/6P and 5/6W and today they have been working on a coding programme called Hopscotch.

Year 5 Samba sessions continue on Tuesday with Year 5 pupils who are preparing for the Y5 Transition Concert at John Frost School on Wednesday 28th June.

Our visitor to our assembly on Wednesday is Danielle Rowlands from The Riverfront and she will be presenting Emily Cox with her prize for the Chartist poem that she wrote.

After assembly, the school nurse Mrs Ogulovsky, will be giving the Y6 boys’ health talk.

In the afternoon, Newportlive staff are returning to school to continue the Cycling Workshop that they started before half term. This workshop will run until 4.00pm.

The Operasonic rehearsal takes place after school on Wednesday.

There is no school on Thursday because the school is a Polling Station for the General Election and is closed. This day will be taken as one of our five INSET days.

The final INSET day is on Monday 12th June.

Tuesday 13th June is ‘Tombola Tuesday’ and the children can wear their casual clothes to school if they bring in an item for the Summer Fayre (raffle prize/tins/toiletries/chocolate etc).

Summer Fayre

Our Summer Fayre will take place on Friday June 16th from 3.45-5.00pm. This is always a great event and I hope that you will be able to join us with your child for that.

Thank you very much if you have offered to help, in whatsoever way.

If you know of any businesses that we might be able to approach for a raffle prize, please let us know.

Raffle tickets for the Summer Fayre are on sale every day in school at break time. Tickets are 50p per strip. Don’t forget to send in your items for our ‘bags of fun’.

If any parent/grandparent/guardian would like to help with the Fayre please ring Mrs Kidd in the school office on 265792.

Bonus Ball

There is another rollover today.

Yours sincerely,

H Vaughan
