Dear Parent/Carer,

This week is Anti-Bullying Week.

Thank you if you sent your child in today in odd socks.

Across the week, we will be thinking about ways of being kind to one another and this fits in with one of our core values of being kind. This also includes the aspect of compassion that several parents identified as a key aspect to include.

On Wednesday, Year 2 pupils are having their first trip for a long time and will be visiting Little Oaks Play

Park. I know that they will have a great time 😊

Also on Wednesday, we are having a ‘Kindness Day’.

On the same day, Year 5/6 pupils will be taking part in ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ workshops.

On Thursday we have a special Kindness Assembly.

Newport County in the Community will also be in on Thursday for our football session.

Year 1 pupils will be continuing their programme of physical literacy with SKIP sessions run by Newport

Live on Thursday and Friday.

By supporting BBC Children in Need on Friday, we are continuing our theme of kindness.

The School Council have decided on an ‘Express Yourself’ theme for Friday.

This means that children can wear their choice of clothes and choose what they feel most comfortable in. this could be casual, sport or best clothes. It could also mean any kind of dressing up clothes or character costume.

However, you will not need to buy anything special for Friday and we are making the day as open-ended as possible.

We ask that children bring in a donation of £1.00 if possible for Children in Need, or a smaller family/ individual donation. Please don’t worry about this and only give what you can afford because even small amounts make a difference.

Dragon Rugby continues on Friday with Years 5/6.

Request for Help

Thank you very much for responding to my request to limit phone calls to the office and to arrange collections etc. before your child comes to school in the morning. It is helping things to run a little more smoothly in the office. Please continue to support us with this.

Covid 19

Please be aware that if a member of your family at home is going for a PCR test, then all children above the age of five, and any adults at home, should also go for a test and shouldn’t return to work or school until a negative result is obtained.

Family Learning

Our third SWOPS session will be released this week. Look out for the letter coming out tomorrow to targeted age groups. If you made a late request for a home pack last week, we gave out all our spare last week and have you on our list for an additional set which will come to you this week.


  • Tombola Tuesday – Tuesday 23rd November (Casual Clothes in return for bringing in an item for the Christmas Fundraising Day.
  • Our Christmas Fundraising Day is on Friday 26th November and each class will be doing their own set of fund-raising activities. We will also hold our Christmas Raffle. If you are able to help us by contacting local organisations for raffle prizes or donations, please contact the office or speak to either myself or your child’s class teacher.

If any family member works for an organisation who might be able to provide match funding.

Eco Tip

Children have been thinking a lot about COP 26 over the past week.

This is an Eco Tip:
Just turning down the thermostat by 1 degree can make a saving across the year of both
energy and money.


Thank you for your continued patience with the high level of class and supply teacher changes currently
happening in school. All staff are doing all they can to support children and ensure that they continue to
make good progress and are stable within their class.

Children also are coping really well and are being been amazingly resilient at dealing with lots of changes.
Well done to them!

Yours sincerely,

H Vaughan