Dear Parent/Carer,

Thank you for your help this afternoon

We have sent home packs with those children who were in school today but I don’t want you to worry about them yet. 🙂

I will send you further details about working from home on Friday so that you know how our ‘virtual school’ will run. I am aware that you will have a lot on your mind at the moment and we don’t want to put extra pressure on you or your family in this challenging time. The process that we plan to set up will be mindful of the fact that you may have older or younger children to support at home, that many of you will only have one laptop, some of you have none and also that you have a family life to live. Our aim is to support you and not add to your problems.

By Friday I will also have more information about how those families receiving free school meals will be helped with meals.

It was important to get as many packs home as possible while we could but if you If you haven’t received one because your child was absent, if you are able to send someone to school tomorrow or Friday to collect the pack, you can do that. We won’t admit any adults in to the building but will bring the pack to the door. We know that many children will feel a sense of anxiety about the current situation and we are doing all that we can to help with this in school.

There is link to a Childline website below that may be able to help with some of your child’s immediate concerns. When you get the chance, please have a look though it beforehand so that you can be prepared before sharing it with your child.

I also have added a website for some medical information that can be accessed in a range of languages and this is also below.

Coronavirus Information

Have a good evening. Try not to watch too much news and we’ll see you tomorrow 🙂

Yours sincerely,
H L Vaughan