Dear Parent/Carer,

Attendance and Punctuality

It is very important that we improve our attendance and punctuality. We have just received the most recent Newport attendance figures. Our current attendance figure for the school year is 92.87%.

Out of 42 schools in Newport we have the second from lowest attendance in the whole city which is a very embarrassing position for our school to be in.

Whilst the attendance figure doesn’t reflect the vast majority of parents who are really doing all they can to ensure that their child does not miss random half or full days off for no good reason, we are judged on the total by Newport City Council, the Welsh Government and  Estyn because of it.

Although punctuality improved last week (thank you) there is still not a good enough improvement in atendance. Lateness for the week is shown below.






Number late






We have a visit from our Educational Welfare Officer, Sue Haigh, this week. The poor attendance situation is on the agenda for discussion at our Governors’ meeting on Tuesday and we also have a special review visit after half term from the Principal Educational Welfare Officer, Val Davies, and she will be accompanied by the Assistant Head of Education with responsibility for attendance, Martin Dacey.

On Tuesday we have a Governors’ meeting and will be discussing the decision to issue Fixed Penalty Notices (which carry a fine) this week to those parents who are continually condoning their child’s absence from school. We have no choice now.

The Friends of St Woolos

The Friends of St Woolos met today. If you were unable to attend the meeting but would like to help, or if you have any good fundraising ideas or suggestions for a stall in our Summer Fayre on Friday 29th June, please let us know.

Thank you if you have already sent in items such as chocolate bars for our Father’s Day Sale which will take place in the week commencing Monday 11th June. Please help us by sending in items such as shower gel, sweets etc to sell for presents.

Foundation Phase Enterprise Sale

Our Foundation Phase Enterprise Sale will take place on Wednesday from 3.00-3.30pm. Please come through the main door at the front. You will be able to visit your child’s class,  see what they have made and buy an item. Mrs Hayes’ class will be in the Canteen and Mrs Dickenson’s class will be in the Library. Children will finish school at their normal time. If you are unable to visit the Enterprise Sale, please collect your child from the main door and not the Reception one because all staff will be in the hall with the children.

Our Enterprise projects help to teach children about money and so they are a really important part of the year – children are really looking forward to Wednesday.

Cricket Workshops

Our after school Cricket Workshops run by Newport Cricket Club, continue this Wednesday. Because the coach was ill last week, they will make up the session for us after half term.

County in the  Community Football Club

The County in the Community for Key Stage 2 boys and girls started really well last Thursday.  If your child is interested in joining this after school club for which the charge by Newport County is £2.00 per session, there are a few places available. This is a pilot project and will run, in the first instance, until the end of term. 

Casual Day

We have a Casual Day on Friday to raise money for school funds. Children can wear their casual clothes for a donation of at least 50p.

Mindfulness Colouring Club

Mrs Moore will be able to help with Mindfulness Colouring Club after half term so we are able to offer more places. (If children are interested please see Mrs Parkinson.) The club will change to a Monday after half term (3.30-4.15pm)

The South Wales Argus

We will be School of the Week in a week or so’s time. I’ll let you know the date once it has been confirmed. 

Half Term

We break up for half term on Friday.

School and Nursery resume on Monday 4th June.

We have an INSET Day on Friday 15th June. There are no other INSET days this term.

Bonus Ball

There is a roll over this week.

Yours sincerely,

H L Vaughan
