Dear Parent/Guardian,

I hope that you had a lovely weekend!

Well done to Class 5M for such a lovely Class Assembly last week!

In this assembly, we said goodbye for short while and good luck to Mrs Morton, who has commenced her maternity leave. I’ll let you know news of the baby as soon as I am able to.

Miss Viner has started as Class 5M’s new class teacher today and I’m sure that she will be made welcome by everyone and will soon settle in.

Well done to the Key Stage Two winner of our Early Bird Half Termly Attendance Draw, Ezra Uzoma, who won a £5.00 gift card!

The focus for us this week is the National Tests for pupils from Year 2 to Year 6.  Tests are:

  • Wednesday- Mathematical Reasoning
  • Thursday- Reading

This is a change from last year when children also sat a Maths Procedural Test. This year, the same test this year is an on-line one which is personalised and adjusts according to answers given by children.  They will be doing it over a period of time.

Further information is available at:

Children have been preparing for these tests and we always do all we can to enable children to perform at their best and not be anxious. Please help your child by ensuring that they have a calm start to the day, a good breakfast and are not worried when they come to school.

Every child is special and we always want all of them to do their very best and to feel proud of what they have achieved, whilst at the same time understanding that all children have different strengths and gifts.


Mr Najafi, who is a parent and the Imam at the Hill Street Mosque, has confirmed that if older children are doing a half-fast, it would be appropriate for them to miss the two test days and the Procedural Test day, and for them make them up at the end of Ramadan so that their performance isn’t affected by them being hungry. Please feel free also to consult with your own Imam about this, should you wish.

Parent Governor

Please return your completed ballot forms by Thursday 9th May at 12.00pm. (Apologies-I gave the incorrect day of Tuesday last week.) All votes will be counted in the presence of the candidates and our Chair of Governors, Dr Paul Glover.

Future Dates

As soon as a decision is made about the European Parliamentary Elections, I’ll let you know whether we will be a Polling Station on Thursday May 23rd and what the arrangements will be.

Yours sincerely,

H Vaughan
